Internship // Kunstrukt

Kunstrukt is looking for an engaged and driven person to join the team for around 15 hours per week for a minimum of three months.

Kunstrukt is a new project based in Copenhagen and Istanbul established by two artists/ lecturers Deniz Ozlu and Lone Eriksen.

Kunstrukt works at the intersection between art and design developing ideas and concepts and turning them into images, products and participatory projects. You can explore our work and concept here

We are looking for somebody who is interested to help develop the project. Assignments could be text production, pr, research, idea development, retouching and fundraising but the specific focus of the internship depends very much on your interest and abilities. The internship is unpaid but lunch/ coffee etc is provided. We offer a hands-on experience and insight into how to form and run a creative venture. Kunstrukt was recently launched so this is a chance to help establish the project and make it grow.

Our workspace in Copenhagen is in Nørrebro, but some of the work can be done from home.

Send an email to Lone at and tell us a bit about who you are, how you see yourself contributing to the project and what you would like to gain from the experience.

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