COLAB Copenhagen

COLAB Copenhagen is a meeting between memory-makers from Africa, Middle East and Denmark.

A memory-maker is an appointed or self-appointed person who actively selects, interpretes and archives the events, that constitute History – the memory, and self-perception of individuals and states.

he six Danish participants in COLAB Copenhagen are journalists, politicians and researchers at public institutions and media in Denmark. Their COLAB partners are internationally recognized artists, who produce counter-narratives in their home countries, as well as other investigations in the field between memory, identity and society.

During one month of residency in Copenhagen, the artists will produce a work in relation to public institutions and workplaces of their Danish partners. The audience is invited inside the processes and dialogues during 4 COLAB Samtalekøkkener at Overgaden Institute of Contemporary Art.

COLAB COPENHAGEN is a part of IMAGES 2016. It is supported by CKU and Statens Kunstfond.

For programme or more information click here.

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