FotoForum: Akram Zaatari SCREENING + Q&A med Signe Kahr Sørensen

I er allesammen inviterede til FotoForum: Akram Zaatari SCREENING + Q&A med Signe Kahr Sørensen. Det foregår hos Fotografisk Center (Bygning 55, Staldgade 16, 1699 Kbh. V).


“Video in Five Movements” by Akram Zaatari, 2006.
“Letter to A Refusing Pilot” by Akram Zaatari, 2013.

+ Q&A: Signe Kahr Sørensen (f. 1987) er cand. mag. i kunsthistorie med speciale i fotografi og arkiviske strategier i libanesisk samtidskunst med fokus på repræsentationen af og erindringen om den libanesiske borgerkrig (1975-1990). Signe har tidligere skrevet artiklen ”Fraværets potentialitet” (accepteret) i samarbejde med lektor Mikkel Bille til det kunsthistoriske tidsskrift Passepartout.
Video in Five Movements by Akram Zaatari. 8 minutes 50 seconds – silent 2006.
In the 1960s, and the early 1970s Hashem el Madani used his super-8 camera to film his family and friends. This video looks at how a still photographer conceived movement and spontaneously directed his friends and family including himself. The rushes used in the five movements were shot in the late 1960s and early seventies in Egypt, and in touristic sites in Lebanon such as the Beiteddine Palace, Kfarhonah, a picnic site in a pine forest in Dahr el Ramleh, and Jezzine, which used to be Madani’s summer residence.

Letter to A Refusing Pilot by Akram Zaatari 34 minutes, 2013.
Taking a cue from Albert Camus’ epistolary essay “Letters to a German Friend,” in Letter to a Refusing Pilot, Zaatari conducts both an investigation and a stirring tribute to an act of resistance that marked his childhood memories: the refusal of an Israeli pilot to bomb a boys’ high school on June 6, 1982 in south Lebanon. Oscillating between documentary, essay and fiction, this elegant and multi-layered film and installation combine personal and archival documents as it seeks to recuperate historical truth from the annals of personal reminiscence, laced with both enchantment and fear. Framed like a coming-of-age filled with wonderment and insuperable curiosity, Letter to a Refusing Pilot humanizes a personal gesture in face of a greater conflict.

Pris: 40 kr inkl. et glas vin. Gratis entre for medlemmer af Fotografisk Center, DJ:Fotograferne , kunst/filmstuderende samt akkrediterede til CPH:DOX.
Tilmelding: eller 3393 0996

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