PHOENIX – Copenhagen edition

The door squeaks when you open it. You peep inside. You hear the sound of a fireplace. The floor is covered with thick layers of ashes. Someone comes towards you and bids you inside…

PHOENIX – Copenhagen edition is a poetic, interactive performance that takes you on a journey through the forgotten buildings and beautiful scenery of Refshaleøen. The journey opens up your senses and gives you the opportunity to explore yourself and places in the harbor, which is usually unavailable for visitors.

You will go through the experience on your own – guided by performers and an interactive sound system that works through GPS. Installations in ship wrecks and forgotten buildings, sound, interactive technology, lyrics and performers leads you to unexplored places and invites you into the cracks of what you remember, what you fear, and what you dream of.

PHOENIX – Copenhagen edition is a co-production between Wunderland, Københavns Internationale Teater and TEATERØEN.

The performance is a part of the Metropolis Festival 2015 program.

See trailer here

WHEN 16.-30. august between 14.30-16.30 and 18.30-21.00 (except mondays)

WHERE TEATERØEN, William Wains Gade 11, Refshaleøen

TICKETS 125,- / 165,-  /


DURATION: 90 min.

AGE: 14 year+

REMARKS: The performance is not suitable for walking impaired

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