Join a lecture on the Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard


This year marks two hundred years since Søren Kierkegaard was born in Copenhagen.
In the course of his short life, this city’s own philosopher managed to produce an authorship that, on a global level, has altered the way we think.

This lecture will introduce some of Kierkegaard’s most influential themes, including his unique interpretation of anxiety. For Kierkegaard, anxiety is a universal human experience that indicates to us our fundamental fascination and fear of our own primordial freedom.

Lecturer: Instructor, Ph.D. K. Brian Söderquist
The lecture takes place in the beautiful Studiegården, Anneks B, Studiestræde 6.

We will be serving wine and snacks.
Price: 50

Enrolment on our website – or by phone 35 32 87 10

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