European Citizenship and Cultural Identity Seminar

January 20 and January 21 2009: Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Southern Campus, Room: 23.4.39

The seminar is arranged by CEMES for Young Scholars (CYS). CEMES is the Faculty of Humanities new Centre for Modern European Studies.

Due to the European integration process it is urgent to understand how perceptions of culture and citizenship is about to take shape and how citizenship can be comprehended from different perspectives in relation to the complex European context.

At the seminar scholars from a variety of disciplines will introduce their research on how European citizens conceive of them-selves and how they act to strengthen democratic culture in its various forms. Besides this empirical-descriptive aim the scholars will also provide normative insights regarding the different ways to conceive citizenship in a European context.


No registration needed.

Cecilie Givskov
PhD Fellow, MA (ed)
Department of Media, Cognition and Communication
Section of Film and Media Studies
University of Copenhagen
Njalsgade 80, 2300 Copenhagen S
Phone: +45353 28129
Fax: +45353 28850
Mobile: +4526741369

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