Konferencen ”Invisibility and Unawareness: Ethico-Political Implications of Embeddedness and the Culture of Surveillance”

Det nordiske forskernetværk “The Culture of Ubiquitous Information” afholder d. 9.11. – 11.11. konference dels i Bygning 21 på nye KUA, dels ved Dansk Arkitektur Center. Konferencen er åben for alle interesserede, men man bedes tilmelde sig med en mail til Ulrik Ekman (ekman@nullhum.ku.dk) senest d. 15.10.

Blast Theory, Media artist group
David Lyon, Professor of Surveillance Studies, Queens University
David Rokeby, Media artist
Dieter Daniels, Professor of Art History and Media Theory, Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst, Leipzig
Electroland, Media artists
Hasan Elahi, Media artist, Associate Professor of Art, University of Maryland
Kazys Varnelis, Professor, Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
Lev Manovich, Professor, Visual Arts Department, UC San Diego
Malcolm McCullough, Associate Professor, Taubman College of Architecture and Planning, University of Michigan
Mark B. Hansen, Professor of Literature, Duke University
Matthew Fuller, Reader, Goldsmiths, University of London
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Media artist
Sean Cubitt, Professor of Global Media and Communications, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
Susan Kozel, Professor of New Media, Medea, Malmö University
Ursula Frohne, Professor of Art History, University of Köln

Nærmere information om konferencen findes på netværkets website (http://ubiquity.nu/?p=169).

Ulrik Ekman, Associate Professor, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen
Jay David Bolter, Honorary Professor, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Karlskrona
Lily Diaz, Professor, Media Lab, University of Art and Design, Helsinki
Maria Engberg, Associate Professor, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola, Karlskrona
Lars Nyre, Associate Professor, Department of Information Science and Media Studies, University of Bergen
Lin Prøitz, Post.doc., Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo
Morten Søndergaard, Associate Professor, Centre for Interactive Digital Media, University of Aalborg
Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen, Associate Professor, Center for Information Technology and Architecture, Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen

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