Zoë Wicomb in doalog with Ann Langwadt

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Zoe Wicomb, South Africa-born but living in Glasgow for the last 11 years, is a writer of rare brilliance. On the cover of her latest book, Nobel laureate Toni Morrison and double Booker winner JM Coetzee compete to eulogise her work. She’s formidably intelligent: ‘A mind like a steel trap’, says the head of the Scottish Arts Council’s literature department, ‘one of the brightest people you could meet.’ (Intermix.org.uk)

After the dialog there will be a reception at the library.

The dialog will take place at Library of Humanities, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 112, 2300 København S, at 13th of May.

Time: 3 p.m.-4 p.m. After the dialog there will be a reception at the library.

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